Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase: If you pursue happiness you'll never find it. -C. P. Snow

The pursuit of happiness.
Not an original concept, but one we hear often, in quotes and movies; but do we find happiness or does happiness find us? And how do we define happiness?
I am a true believer in serendipity-random and surprising happenings where happiness seems to occur on its own, seeking us out and tapping me on the shoulder. Life can throw you some curves but none so surprising as a happy accident. One expects to have a bad accident or even 2 in a day, but a happy one is so special that it should be cherished and prized.
Morever, happiness creeps up when you least expect it, when times seem at their worst and suffocates us until we cannot repress laughter and smiles. It becomes contagious.
A smile aimed carefully at someone is a poweful weapon to fight the blues.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Work lovingly done is the secret of all order and all happiness. -Pierre-Auguste Renoir

A few thoughts on the experience Saturday, looking back in retrospect.

1. We were very pleased to see so many people taking advantage of the many learning and cultural opportuinites DC offers. There are so many exhibits, shows, and neat things to observe in the District that I was thrilled to hand out cards to so many clearly cultured people.

2. Alot of people seemed avoident of our movement. Perhaps it was the bright colors, the cards or the tactics, but I actually had some people tell me, "No thank you" when I said to them, "Have a nice day." I think the world is in a pretty sad state when people say straight to your face that they are NOT going to have a nice day in no uncertain terms. At least they said thank you though, which at least shows good manners and I'm always a fan of manners.

3. Kindness CAN make a difference. While stuck on a crowded Metro (due to weekend track work) our bright colors and chattering made plenty of people chuckle and took their minds off of our sardine-like situation. We were even able to hand out cards that made further light of the circumstances. (cards 1, pessimism 0)

4. Despite the cold, I felt warmed by the sunshine within. A few people even said they agreed DC needed a happiness movement. You know what I say? It only takes ONE person doing something nice for someone else to start a chain reaction.

So now, let's wait and see...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

the Goods received

Yesterday was the first day of passing the goods. we passed out about 500 cards around the dc metro area. if you were one of lucky ones to receive a card please comment on the experience. and remember to pass the goods on to others, this is a challenge. a movement towards happiness. there is nothing better than to love one another. thank you for passing the goods. 

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Spreading the Sunshine!

Happiness can be achieved by passing the good feelings to others. Pass the goods will begin its first wave of goods! We will be traveling around the city today passing out inspirational cards, hoping to brighten up our fellow man. The goal is to start a web based response in hopes to start a movement . This movement is simple pass the goods, deeds, or comments to others. Remember happiness is where we find it not where we seek it...

Friday, February 15, 2008

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have noticed so many unhappy people, who seem content in a world of anger. While I don't think anger in it of itself is a bad thing, I think people miss out on so much when they are consumed in their rage.
We rage when we drive because the person in front of us doesn't pull ahead quickly enough at a light. We rage when someone cuts ahead of us in line at the supermarket. We rage when we feel we are cheated, lied to, let down or betrayed. Rage is such a knee-jerk reaction to the common everyday events that people almost expect to be yelled at or have a disgruntled reaction to any and everything.
With so much negative energy in the universe, how can we expect to overcome with goodness?

The best way to start is to expect that people are inevitably going to make mistakes, but they are also filled with great potential for greatness and beauty, and to focus on being the first one to offer a kind gesture and an apology, even if we're not at fault. It's amazing how being nice to someone can help them to want to be nice too.
And who knows, maybe they're having a crummy day too.
Just remember to be the person you wish someone else would be to you, and you can start a chain of kindness that will keep going.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just can't live that negative way...make way for the positive day! - Bob Marley.

This is the introductory blog of 3 art students on a mission to make your day a good one. We hope that when you receive a card from us, you will take the time to check this out and pass the goods to someone who you feel needs a boost. This is our way of trying to love one another.
Keep it going...please